Thursday 6 August 2020

How to manage your feelings in a Covid-19 world!

Hi Everyone

Are you finding yourself feeling completely worn out? If the answer is yes, rest assured you are not alone with these feelings! The world at the moment appears to be a very different place with all the restrictions being enforced upon us and what seems to be endless other issues facing the world right now. No wonder a lot of people feel frustrated, stressed and well as we said generally worn out. 

When this pandemic started most people felt like they could do quarantine and the social distancing for a few months. It felt like there was an end in sight! However with the ongoing situation and the world facing what looks like a new norm for a while to come, most people are having to adjust their lives for a little bit longer which is causing additional stress and an inability to cope. 

Some people are drowning their sorrows by comfort eating, I have seen an increase in clients asking for help as they seem unable to cope in any other ways and have put on weight. I have heard the saying "corona stone" being banded about by many of my clients wishing to lose weight. Other people are drinking alcohol to cope and others are just trying to ignore it all in the hope of some normality soon. Whatever way you are coping, if you feel you would like some help, hypnosis is a great tool in order to help you find some inner piece. With hypnosis, we can link unwanted feelings with memories and address past negative events that have perhaps had a negative impact on your current life. We can have a look at ways to feel better with positive imagery, this involves using your imagination to visualise yourself doing something positive that you would like to do and associating into those good feelings. These are just 2 ways that hypnosis can help you achieve a feeling of wellbeing. If you are looking to feel better now, here are some tips that you can do for yourself now.

Helpful tips to help you feel better now

1 If you find yourself reluctantly rejecting the current world situation, you will in effect create a feeling of suffering for yourself. This will actually make you feel even worse. Why not accept the current situation for what it is, as this will stop you fighting against yourself.

2 Some examples could be instead of wishing the pandemic to be over with, tell yourself you cannot control the pandemic or how other people are dealing with it, you cannot control when the pandemic will end either, what you can do is accept that you can only make decisions for yourself whilst in the pandemic. So it might look something like this - why not make a plan for yourself and your family if you have one. This could include things like ensuring you keep safe if you're worried about others not conforming with the rules. Stay away from places you don't need to be, collect groceries and medication at quieter times of the day to avoid potentially crowded places. Doing this negates the issue that some clients have in relation to others not conforming to the social distancing rules and the refusal of some people to wear a face covering as this will no longer be a problem for you. As you can see, from this way of thinking, you have taken back some control in your life which will ultimately make you feel better. 

3 Focus on the future - things will not remain the same forever, a pandemic can only last for so long. Focus your attention perhaps on what you would like to do in the future and make a plan.

4 Lastly, always remember the present moment is the only time you have real control over, the past is gone and the future has not happened. 

If you are still struggling, make a daily plan of things to do and stick with the plan. It could be something as simple as just getting out of bed and getting dressed. It could be taking a walk or going for some exercise, talking to a friend etc as I have said before movement is key to feeling better. Get up, get outside and stay safe!

Hypnotherapy Sessions
If you are struggling, please don't suffer alone, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help ease anxious feelings. If you have been suffering feelings of increased anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks then I can teach you some simple techniques that will help you regain some control in the current climate.

If you are interested in a hypnotherapy session to help ease your anxiety, I am currently providing this service online.

If you want to work with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can contact me using the details below. 

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

Friday 24 April 2020

COVID-19 - How to manage your mind and stay sane!!

Hello Everyone

Hope you are feeling ok and finding ways to cope during the current pandemic. If like many people you are struggling to keep your emotions in check, do not worry, as a human being this is a perfectly natural response to what is happening in the world right now and as a Hypnotherapist it is my intention to provide you with some simple techniques that you can use to help you feel a little better.

Please read on and use some of the tips below;

Sounds obvious, however what we do in an anxiety epidemic is key to how we learn to handle our lives and our reaction to pressure. Accept that the current situation is a given and it is not going to go away anytime soon. In fact it will probably increase as life gets more challenging over the coming weeks. Therefore you need to find new ways of dealing with it to keep yourself sane!

Decrease the amount of time looking at the news/social media
Spend at least half a day or a full day not listening to the news or looking at online updates.

Take a break and breathe
Give yourself a break when working from home,  just look up at the sky, notice the colour of the sky, the clouds and anything else around you. Make it your mission to just stop, notice the small things in life and breathe.

Daily Breathing Technique
Practice a daily breathing technique see breathing technique here where you can calm yourself down if feeling particularly anxious. Please practice this on a daily basis if you need it.

Routine Routine Routine.
If you find yourself working from home, create a new routine for yourself. Get up at the same time every day, if you like exercise go for a morning walk or perhaps follow a home exercise plan as exercise releases endorphins (feel good hormones) which will help you feel calm and more relaxed (search You Tube for these) Don't sit in front of your TV all day, if you are working from home and using a computer all day, work a little, get up and move about. Create structure in your day, set yourself at least one daily task to complete. It can be as simple as getting up and making your bed! If you can learn something new, try out a new recipe, learn a new dance, read a book, try anything to keep your mind active and engaged.

Stay Connected
Keep in contact with others either through Skype, Zoom, Facebook to name but a few. Or you could just pick up the phone.

Eat well
Eating healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables is really important in maintaining health, reduce the amount of snacking on unhealthy foods during this time.

Hypnotherapy Sessions
If you are struggling, please don't suffer alone, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help ease anxious feelings. If you have been suffering feelings of increased anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks then I can teach you some simple techniques that will help you regain some control in the current climate.

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"  Jon Kabat-Zinn

If you are interested in a hypnotherapy session to help ease your anxiety, I am currently providing this service online.

If you want to work with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can contact me using the details below. 

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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Other Blog posts
Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
How hypnosis can help you feel better!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT hack for controlling your thoughts
Did you know I give free consultations

Sunday 23 February 2020

Are you an emotional eater?

Hello Everyone

Welcome to this months blog, are you somebody who engages in mindless eating due to feeling stressed out, perhaps you are worried about an upcoming event, your boss driving you mad, you are trapped in a toxic relationship or perhaps drowning your sorrows as you feel lonely, the list goes on. If this resonates with you and you want to make some positive changes, the following tips may help.

Keep a food diary - Write down what you reach for and when. This will help you identify your triggers, meaning you are a step closer to changing your patterns.

Pause - Ask yourself "Am I actually hungry?" Depending on your answer, will give you a clue as to what emotion you are trying to satisfy. If you are not hungry, what need are you trying to satisfy? Are you stressed, sad, angry, upset or something else? Learn to sit with that emotion, don't push it away or try to bury it. Let it come to the surface and breathe. If you are feeling stressed for example, try going for a walk to clear your mind, call a friend or do some exercise. 

Lastly - Find other ways to deal with life's stresses. Join a club, take up a hobby, try something new!!

And of course if you are still struggling, you can always book in for some hypnotherapy to help you make those necessary changes for a healthier and happier new you. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can use the contact details below.

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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Other blog posts

Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
How hypnosis can make you feel better!
What happens when you book a hypnotherapy consultation with me?
A mini hack to end panic attacks!
A mini hack for controlling your thoughts!
How to set goals for 2020 made easy!

Sunday 29 December 2019

How to set goals for 2020 made easy!

Hi Everyone

Happy New Year and welcome to the first blog post of 2020! Where has the last year gone? If like a lot of people you are thinking about making some improvements in your health and wellbeing, goal setting is a great way to set you on the right path. So, why do we need to set goals, well, believe it or not, you would be surprised at the amount of people who tell you things like they are going to loose weight, get fit, find a new hobby, start a business etc etc only to find out a few weeks down the line, they have reverted back to their old ways.

So why does this happen and what can we do different?

The answer is simple. If you want to achieve anything in life, you need to set SMART goals. A SMART action plan will equip you with highly effective tools that you need to achieve your goals in a realistic manner. The SMART action plan incorporates 5 characteristics of a goal.  See the example below.

Specific - get really clear, what do you want to achieve. If it's to loose weight, then write down how much weight, 10 pounds, 20 pounds etc.

Measurable - How are you going to know you are on track, for example are you aiming to loose  2 pounds a month over 12 months. If so, when are you going to weigh yourself, at the end of each month or perhaps at the end of 2 months etc. If you have not achieved the weight loss, what's your back up plan? Have it ready!

Attainable - Make sure what you have set for yourself is in fact do-able. If you stumble across roadblocks, make sure you can re-evaluate your goal and reconstruct it to make it more achievable. Ask yourself, "Can I take on the commitments to reach this goal?" Be honest, if the answer is no, then is there a more achievable goal. Looking at our example above with weight loss, perhaps if 10 or 20 pounds is too much, then how about setting a goal of losing 5 pounds over 6 months.

Realistic - If your goal is based on somebody else's wish, you wont stick to it. Make sure your goal is something that you really want to achieve, as you will be more motivated to see it through. Remember you don't need to rush your goal, you just need to be realistic.

Time based - Make sure your goal has a deadline. All goals need a date in which this will be achieved. This helps create motivation. Ask yourself "What can i do now to help me with my goal" then ask "where do I need to be in 1 months time to ensure I am on track" then keep on tracking, ask yourself at the end of month 2 "Am I on track?" If yes, great! if no be honest and look at what you need to do to get back in the game!!

Doing the above is really important as this will give you a clear picture of what you want to achieve and where you want to go. SMART goal setting lets you know if you can really stick to the plan, it also stops you from wasting your time and energy on things that are not important to you.

You will be focused and will concentrate on the things important to you.

So there you have it, go ahead and plan the best 2020 ever!! Oh and don't forget hypnosis is a great way to help you visualise your goal making it even more attainable and increasing your motivation to succeed and be the best version of yourself.

If you are interested in working with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page.

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
How hypnosis can help you feel better!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT hack for controlling your thoughts
Did you know I give free consultations

Saturday 7 December 2019

Did you know I give free consultations!

Hello Everyone

Hope you are well, just in case you missed it, I give FREE 15 minute telephone consultations. If you want to get in touch click here and send me a message to claim yours.

Reasons to claim your FREE Consultation

1) You have a problem or unwanted feeling that you want to change.
2) You want to know if I can help you
3) You have questions you want to ask me about how it all works

It's one thing to read about all the things you can do to change your problem and it's really great that you do! It's another to actually have a conversation with me to see how I can really help you today. The consultations also help me to see if I can actually help you and if not, I will endeavour to help you find somebody who can.

During your consultation, we can discuss appointments, price and how many sessions you may need and any other questions you may have about the process.

I really look forward to hearing from you and hope we can work together soon. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or use the details below to find out more.

That's it for now

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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Other Blog Posts
Welcome, Do you have panic attacks?
How Hypnosis can help you feel better!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT Hack for controlling your thoughts

Friday 29 November 2019

A Little CBT Hack for Controlling Your Thoughts


Hope you are all well, after my last blog where I shared with you a simple breathing technique to overcome panic, I've had some enquiries my from my lovely clients asking for more simple solutions to feel better. Of course, if you wish to work with me, you can message me here or here on FaceBook  but in the meantime have a look at the information below.

Today I am going to share with you a technique that is used in Cognitive behavioural Therapy. Some of you may have had experience of this before, but I just wanted to put it out there, so you can take a look and decide for yourself if you have fallen foul to any of these common thinking errors.

Black and white thinking - It's either this way or that way! Your in or your out!  Umm is there anything in between? Really useful to look at this, as you really can choose to see other options when you open yourself up to other suggestions.

Overgeneralisation - Just my luck, this always happens to me, this always goes wrong! Does absolutely everything go wrong... everything really?...  When we feel emotional, we tend to veer towards the negative, this isn't your fault, our brains are hard wired towards the negative, this is a survival instinct. Good news though, once you realise this, you have the power to change how you feel.

Disqualifying the positive - Yes, but...  stop putting negatives in the way, look for something positive.

Mind Reading - I know what your thinking! You will never agree with me! Do we really know what somebody else is thinking? NO WE DO NOT! We can only guess!

Catastrophising - It's all hopeless, it never works! I bet you can think of something that did work!

Magical thinking - Everything happens for a reason! Did you hear this from your parents?

Conditional thinking - I should always try and be nice or they will not like me! (people pleasing)

Personalising - It must be my fault! Does how you act really affect how others behave...NO! they are responsible for their own behaviour.

Blaming and labelling - I behave this way because of them! It's not my fault! You are responsible for your own behaviour, nobody else! Blaming usually occurs when people are not prepared to take responsibility for themselves, leaving their fate to others.

Anything sound familiar,  just by really looking at the way we think about things and bringing it to our conscious attention, we can begin to question our thoughts and beliefs and see things in a more helpful way. Remember thoughts are just that! You don't have to act on them and beliefs are just thoughts repeated, not truths. Go on give it a try for the next week and see how your brain can really start to work for you rather than against you.

Hope this is of use to you all and will provide some food for thought! If you want to know more and would like to work with me, you can fill out the contact form at the top of this page or use the details below.



Mobile 07783 565685

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How Hypnosis can help you feel better!

Welcome, do you have panic attacks?

What happens when you book a hypnotherapy consultation with me

Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?

Friday 15 November 2019

Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?

Hello Everyone

Welcome to another blog post, hope you are well?  Today we are going to talk about panic attacks. As a hypnotherapist, I began to specialise a while ago in treating clients with panic attacks as I found using hypnosis to treat this issue was really successful in reducing both psychological and physiological responses. (There is lots of scientific evidence that also backs this up).

Anybody who has ever had a panic attack either in the past or perhaps is still experiencing them knows how frightening they can be. It is not unusual for somebody to end up in A&E Department as they fear they are having a heart attack. Panic attacks can just creep up on you out of nowhere or they may be triggered by a stressful life event. Either way, some sufferers then go on to have a fear of having another panic attack as well as the fear of the panic attack itself which can make this a vicious cycle.

In my consulting room, part of my treatment plan for panic attacks is education. I truly believe from experience in dealing with this issue that education is key. I have discovered that most clients I see really do benefit from gaining some form of understanding in relation to what is actually happening to them during a panic attack both psychologically and physiologically. I also find that arming clients with this information allows the client to recognise when they are having a panic attack, which helps to alleviate the fear element, which in turn allows them to start to take back that control.

So I'm going to give you a quick snippet of information that you can use to start you on the road to recovery.

1) Really important here, recognise what is happening to your body! By this I mean, recognise when you are having a panic attack! Are you breathing faster? Is your heart beating quickly! Are you sweating? Are you shaking uncontrollably? This could be a clue that you are in the midst of panic.

2) Notice whereabouts in your body you are feeling the discomfort, focus on that part of the body, you may find you have a tightness in the chest, churning tummy or feel it in your throat. Or it could be elsewhere! 

3) Rate the feeling between 1 and 10. 10 being really intense!

4) Start to get control of your breathing! Slow your breathing down, I use a technique called the 7/11 technique. Breathe in through your nose to the count of 7, hold your breath for the count of 3, breathe out through your mouth for the count of 11. Keep repeating this for a couple of minutes and you will begin to feel better.

5) After a few minutes, check in with that unhelpful feeling, rate it between 1 and 10 again and you should find your anxiety has lowered. For some people they will at this stage have gained back some control, for others, they may have to continue with the breathing technique for another couple of minutes before checking in with that unhelpful feeling again and rating it between 1 and 10. Continue with the breathing until your anxiety has lowered and you feel you have gained back some control. 

With regular practice, you will be able to reduce feelings of panic really quickly meaning you are back in control and retraining your brain for success.

If you have any questions or wish to work with me, please get in touch. You can fill out the contact form at the top of this page or use the details below.

All the best


Mobile 07783 565685

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Saturday 26 October 2019

What happens when you book a Hypnotherapy Consultation with me?

Hello everyone

Welcome to my blog post, today we are going to talk about what happens in a typical hypnotherapy session. I thought this would make an interesting read, as there are still so many myths surrounding hypnosis, see my blog How hypnosis can help you feel better! for info on what hypnosis is and common myths about hypnosis.

So, the initial consultation is an opportunity for me to get to know you and listen to what you wish to achieve. My approach is solution focused, which simply means we focus on how you want to be, rather than dwelling on the past, which for some people can be very painful. With this in mind a lot of the techniques I use during hypnosis are content free, meaning the client has a lot of privacy during the session which is great.

We will also set appropriate goals together that as a client you feel are achievable to help you move forward. I will provide you with an Explanation of Hypnotherapy and we will look at the commitment required from you as the client.

We will discuss length of treatment, although this can sometimes be tricky as depending on your presenting issue and how you respond may differ for each client and may be subject to change as you progress.

I will need to obtain your written consent before the start of treatment and complete any records in accordance with requirements.

To facilitate hypnosis, (remember this is focused attention) I have various techniques that I use to encourage you to focus your mind. These techniques are quick and easy to learn and you will find that you can use them as and when you need to at home as well.

If you wish to contact me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or email or call on the details below and I will be happy to book you in or answer any questions you may have.

All the best


Mobile 07783 565685

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Other Blog posts
How hypnosis can help you feel better!
Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT Hack for controlling your thoughts!

Sunday 20 October 2019

How Hypnosis can help you feel better!

Hi there, 

Hope you are well, today I have decided to focus on what hypnosis actually is! I never get tired of the interesting and funny conversations that I have with people who think hypnosis is some form of bizarre mind control. What i do know is that once you have learned the benefits of hypnosis, you are then free to use the skill in all areas of your life to feel so much better.

What is Hypnosis?

Simply put, hypnosis is actually focused attention. As human beings, we place our attention and focus on so many things throughout our day without even really thinking about it. Perhaps you like reading books, if you do, you may find yourself immersed in the storyline for several hours without even realising it, guess what, you have hypnosis! Have you ever watched a film and become involved in the storyline and suddenly the door bell goes or the telephone rings, again, this is a form of hypnosis as your attention is focused in one place.

Hypnosis Myths

I really love talking about hypnosis with everyone I get to meet as I always find that most people are completely fascinated by hypnosis as they relay stories of the media showing poor unsuspecting members of the public up on stage, appearing to loose all forms of self control under the spell of the hypnotist! Well what can I say, statements like this make me cringe, we all know this is just entertainment, but still this could not be further from the truth in terms of what hypnosis can do for you!

Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?

No, absolutely not!

Will I reveal my deepest secrets?

You would be surprised how often I get asked this question. As you remain in complete control of everything you do, you will not reveal anything. In fact hypnosis is great, as a lot of the techniques I use are content free.

Can everyone be hypnotised?

As hypnosis is a trait in all human beings, everyone has the ability to be hypnotised. Everyone will experience hypnosis in their own individual way, there is no right or wrong way. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. As a therapist I can give you suggestions and it can be said that when hypnotised one can take on board those suggestions, however you will remain in complete control of everything you do, in fact I believe that hypnosis is a therapeutic tool that actually gives you back control to change any unhelpful behaviours that you may have been previously struggling with.

What can we use Hypnosis for?

Firstly before I begin to tell you about the great benefits of hypnosis, I bet you didn't know that Hypnotherapy is an evidence based treatment. This means that the treatments are scientifically proven to produce positive results. In short, an evidence based approach constantly looks at new research and studies and re-evaluates practice based on findings.

So with this in mind, I specialise in helping individuals overcome their panic attacks and anxiety. A Clinical Review of Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapies published in the British Medical Journal looked at the existing research on hypnosis and concluded: There is good evidence from randomised controlled trials that hypnosis and relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety, the same report concluded that hypnosis was proven to be effective in treating panic attacks and phobias (Vickers & Zollman, "Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapies," BMJ 1999:319:1346-1349)

Hypnosis can also be used for all sorts of things where we need to focus our attention. Top sports men and women use hypnosis all the time, as scientific research has concluded that regular use of hypnosis actually enhances sports performance.

Hypnosis is regularly used to control pain, most popular being for dental work and surgical procedures. Hypnobirthing is becoming a more popular choice for women giving birth here in the UK as it is easy to learn and there are no drugs involved which is always a benefit. There are studies in the use of hypnosis improving symptoms of IBS as well as other medical issues. (Always see your GP in the first instance)

I hope you have enjoyed this little overview of hypnosis and what it can do for you, of course there are many more studies in relation to the benefits of hypnosis out there, but I am hoping this will make you a little more curious as to how you too can use the power of hypnosis for positive change.

If you would like further info, I offer a free 15 minute telephone consultation where you can ask me questions and decide if you would like to work with me. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or contact me using the details below. 

Hope to see you soon


Mobile 07783 565685


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Other Blog posts
Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
What happens when you book a hypnotherapy consultation with me!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT hack for controlling your thoughts!

Saturday 19 October 2019

Welcome, Do you have panic attacks?

Hi, my name is Debra and I am a Hypnotherapist. I have a passion for helping you overcome your unwanted panic attacks, phobias and anxiety. I have first-hand experience of the challenges that you are facing when overwhelmed by these issues. 

I know how hard it is to reach out and get the help you need, that’s why I offer expert help and advice in order for you to overcome these issues. I teach techniques that you can use straight away to enable you to make real life long changes you need in order to live a calmer, happier and more fulfilling lifestyle. 

I have helped many people just like you, overcome their panic attacks, phobias and anxiety by helping them feel calmer, taking back control and living the life that they want.

My approach is centered around you, which means I can use a wide range of skills to adapt to your individual needs. I use hypnosis, which is simply focused attention. There is no mind control, no barking like a dog, no getting stuck in hypnosis as the media usually portray, just simple easy to use techniques that help you focus your mind to get the results you want. 

If you would like a free 15 minute telephone consultation where you can ask further questions and see if you would like to work with me please feel free to get in touch. You can fill out the contact form at the top of this page, or contact me on the details below.

Best Regards


Mobile 07783 565685  


Other Blog posts
How Hypnosis can help you feel better!
What happens when you book a hypnotherapy consultation with me!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT hack for controlling your thoughts!
How to set goals for 2020 made easy!
How to stay sane during COVID-19