Saturday 26 October 2019

What happens when you book a Hypnotherapy Consultation with me?

Hello everyone

Welcome to my blog post, today we are going to talk about what happens in a typical hypnotherapy session. I thought this would make an interesting read, as there are still so many myths surrounding hypnosis, see my blog How hypnosis can help you feel better! for info on what hypnosis is and common myths about hypnosis.

So, the initial consultation is an opportunity for me to get to know you and listen to what you wish to achieve. My approach is solution focused, which simply means we focus on how you want to be, rather than dwelling on the past, which for some people can be very painful. With this in mind a lot of the techniques I use during hypnosis are content free, meaning the client has a lot of privacy during the session which is great.

We will also set appropriate goals together that as a client you feel are achievable to help you move forward. I will provide you with an Explanation of Hypnotherapy and we will look at the commitment required from you as the client.

We will discuss length of treatment, although this can sometimes be tricky as depending on your presenting issue and how you respond may differ for each client and may be subject to change as you progress.

I will need to obtain your written consent before the start of treatment and complete any records in accordance with requirements.

To facilitate hypnosis, (remember this is focused attention) I have various techniques that I use to encourage you to focus your mind. These techniques are quick and easy to learn and you will find that you can use them as and when you need to at home as well.

If you wish to contact me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or email or call on the details below and I will be happy to book you in or answer any questions you may have.

All the best


Mobile 07783 565685

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