Sunday 20 October 2019

How Hypnosis can help you feel better!

Hi there, 

Hope you are well, today I have decided to focus on what hypnosis actually is! I never get tired of the interesting and funny conversations that I have with people who think hypnosis is some form of bizarre mind control. What i do know is that once you have learned the benefits of hypnosis, you are then free to use the skill in all areas of your life to feel so much better.

What is Hypnosis?

Simply put, hypnosis is actually focused attention. As human beings, we place our attention and focus on so many things throughout our day without even really thinking about it. Perhaps you like reading books, if you do, you may find yourself immersed in the storyline for several hours without even realising it, guess what, you have hypnosis! Have you ever watched a film and become involved in the storyline and suddenly the door bell goes or the telephone rings, again, this is a form of hypnosis as your attention is focused in one place.

Hypnosis Myths

I really love talking about hypnosis with everyone I get to meet as I always find that most people are completely fascinated by hypnosis as they relay stories of the media showing poor unsuspecting members of the public up on stage, appearing to loose all forms of self control under the spell of the hypnotist! Well what can I say, statements like this make me cringe, we all know this is just entertainment, but still this could not be further from the truth in terms of what hypnosis can do for you!

Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?

No, absolutely not!

Will I reveal my deepest secrets?

You would be surprised how often I get asked this question. As you remain in complete control of everything you do, you will not reveal anything. In fact hypnosis is great, as a lot of the techniques I use are content free.

Can everyone be hypnotised?

As hypnosis is a trait in all human beings, everyone has the ability to be hypnotised. Everyone will experience hypnosis in their own individual way, there is no right or wrong way. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. As a therapist I can give you suggestions and it can be said that when hypnotised one can take on board those suggestions, however you will remain in complete control of everything you do, in fact I believe that hypnosis is a therapeutic tool that actually gives you back control to change any unhelpful behaviours that you may have been previously struggling with.

What can we use Hypnosis for?

Firstly before I begin to tell you about the great benefits of hypnosis, I bet you didn't know that Hypnotherapy is an evidence based treatment. This means that the treatments are scientifically proven to produce positive results. In short, an evidence based approach constantly looks at new research and studies and re-evaluates practice based on findings.

So with this in mind, I specialise in helping individuals overcome their panic attacks and anxiety. A Clinical Review of Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapies published in the British Medical Journal looked at the existing research on hypnosis and concluded: There is good evidence from randomised controlled trials that hypnosis and relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety, the same report concluded that hypnosis was proven to be effective in treating panic attacks and phobias (Vickers & Zollman, "Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapies," BMJ 1999:319:1346-1349)

Hypnosis can also be used for all sorts of things where we need to focus our attention. Top sports men and women use hypnosis all the time, as scientific research has concluded that regular use of hypnosis actually enhances sports performance.

Hypnosis is regularly used to control pain, most popular being for dental work and surgical procedures. Hypnobirthing is becoming a more popular choice for women giving birth here in the UK as it is easy to learn and there are no drugs involved which is always a benefit. There are studies in the use of hypnosis improving symptoms of IBS as well as other medical issues. (Always see your GP in the first instance)

I hope you have enjoyed this little overview of hypnosis and what it can do for you, of course there are many more studies in relation to the benefits of hypnosis out there, but I am hoping this will make you a little more curious as to how you too can use the power of hypnosis for positive change.

If you would like further info, I offer a free 15 minute telephone consultation where you can ask me questions and decide if you would like to work with me. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or contact me using the details below. 

Hope to see you soon


Mobile 07783 565685


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