Sunday 23 February 2020

Are you an emotional eater?

Hello Everyone

Welcome to this months blog, are you somebody who engages in mindless eating due to feeling stressed out, perhaps you are worried about an upcoming event, your boss driving you mad, you are trapped in a toxic relationship or perhaps drowning your sorrows as you feel lonely, the list goes on. If this resonates with you and you want to make some positive changes, the following tips may help.

Keep a food diary - Write down what you reach for and when. This will help you identify your triggers, meaning you are a step closer to changing your patterns.

Pause - Ask yourself "Am I actually hungry?" Depending on your answer, will give you a clue as to what emotion you are trying to satisfy. If you are not hungry, what need are you trying to satisfy? Are you stressed, sad, angry, upset or something else? Learn to sit with that emotion, don't push it away or try to bury it. Let it come to the surface and breathe. If you are feeling stressed for example, try going for a walk to clear your mind, call a friend or do some exercise. 

Lastly - Find other ways to deal with life's stresses. Join a club, take up a hobby, try something new!!

And of course if you are still struggling, you can always book in for some hypnotherapy to help you make those necessary changes for a healthier and happier new you. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can use the contact details below.

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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