Friday 24 April 2020

COVID-19 - How to manage your mind and stay sane!!

Hello Everyone

Hope you are feeling ok and finding ways to cope during the current pandemic. If like many people you are struggling to keep your emotions in check, do not worry, as a human being this is a perfectly natural response to what is happening in the world right now and as a Hypnotherapist it is my intention to provide you with some simple techniques that you can use to help you feel a little better.

Please read on and use some of the tips below;

Sounds obvious, however what we do in an anxiety epidemic is key to how we learn to handle our lives and our reaction to pressure. Accept that the current situation is a given and it is not going to go away anytime soon. In fact it will probably increase as life gets more challenging over the coming weeks. Therefore you need to find new ways of dealing with it to keep yourself sane!

Decrease the amount of time looking at the news/social media
Spend at least half a day or a full day not listening to the news or looking at online updates.

Take a break and breathe
Give yourself a break when working from home,  just look up at the sky, notice the colour of the sky, the clouds and anything else around you. Make it your mission to just stop, notice the small things in life and breathe.

Daily Breathing Technique
Practice a daily breathing technique see breathing technique here where you can calm yourself down if feeling particularly anxious. Please practice this on a daily basis if you need it.

Routine Routine Routine.
If you find yourself working from home, create a new routine for yourself. Get up at the same time every day, if you like exercise go for a morning walk or perhaps follow a home exercise plan as exercise releases endorphins (feel good hormones) which will help you feel calm and more relaxed (search You Tube for these) Don't sit in front of your TV all day, if you are working from home and using a computer all day, work a little, get up and move about. Create structure in your day, set yourself at least one daily task to complete. It can be as simple as getting up and making your bed! If you can learn something new, try out a new recipe, learn a new dance, read a book, try anything to keep your mind active and engaged.

Stay Connected
Keep in contact with others either through Skype, Zoom, Facebook to name but a few. Or you could just pick up the phone.

Eat well
Eating healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables is really important in maintaining health, reduce the amount of snacking on unhealthy foods during this time.

Hypnotherapy Sessions
If you are struggling, please don't suffer alone, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help ease anxious feelings. If you have been suffering feelings of increased anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks then I can teach you some simple techniques that will help you regain some control in the current climate.

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"  Jon Kabat-Zinn

If you are interested in a hypnotherapy session to help ease your anxiety, I am currently providing this service online.

If you want to work with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can contact me using the details below. 

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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