Thursday 6 August 2020

How to manage your feelings in a Covid-19 world!

Hi Everyone

Are you finding yourself feeling completely worn out? If the answer is yes, rest assured you are not alone with these feelings! The world at the moment appears to be a very different place with all the restrictions being enforced upon us and what seems to be endless other issues facing the world right now. No wonder a lot of people feel frustrated, stressed and well as we said generally worn out. 

When this pandemic started most people felt like they could do quarantine and the social distancing for a few months. It felt like there was an end in sight! However with the ongoing situation and the world facing what looks like a new norm for a while to come, most people are having to adjust their lives for a little bit longer which is causing additional stress and an inability to cope. 

Some people are drowning their sorrows by comfort eating, I have seen an increase in clients asking for help as they seem unable to cope in any other ways and have put on weight. I have heard the saying "corona stone" being banded about by many of my clients wishing to lose weight. Other people are drinking alcohol to cope and others are just trying to ignore it all in the hope of some normality soon. Whatever way you are coping, if you feel you would like some help, hypnosis is a great tool in order to help you find some inner piece. With hypnosis, we can link unwanted feelings with memories and address past negative events that have perhaps had a negative impact on your current life. We can have a look at ways to feel better with positive imagery, this involves using your imagination to visualise yourself doing something positive that you would like to do and associating into those good feelings. These are just 2 ways that hypnosis can help you achieve a feeling of wellbeing. If you are looking to feel better now, here are some tips that you can do for yourself now.

Helpful tips to help you feel better now

1 If you find yourself reluctantly rejecting the current world situation, you will in effect create a feeling of suffering for yourself. This will actually make you feel even worse. Why not accept the current situation for what it is, as this will stop you fighting against yourself.

2 Some examples could be instead of wishing the pandemic to be over with, tell yourself you cannot control the pandemic or how other people are dealing with it, you cannot control when the pandemic will end either, what you can do is accept that you can only make decisions for yourself whilst in the pandemic. So it might look something like this - why not make a plan for yourself and your family if you have one. This could include things like ensuring you keep safe if you're worried about others not conforming with the rules. Stay away from places you don't need to be, collect groceries and medication at quieter times of the day to avoid potentially crowded places. Doing this negates the issue that some clients have in relation to others not conforming to the social distancing rules and the refusal of some people to wear a face covering as this will no longer be a problem for you. As you can see, from this way of thinking, you have taken back some control in your life which will ultimately make you feel better. 

3 Focus on the future - things will not remain the same forever, a pandemic can only last for so long. Focus your attention perhaps on what you would like to do in the future and make a plan.

4 Lastly, always remember the present moment is the only time you have real control over, the past is gone and the future has not happened. 

If you are still struggling, make a daily plan of things to do and stick with the plan. It could be something as simple as just getting out of bed and getting dressed. It could be taking a walk or going for some exercise, talking to a friend etc as I have said before movement is key to feeling better. Get up, get outside and stay safe!

Hypnotherapy Sessions
If you are struggling, please don't suffer alone, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help ease anxious feelings. If you have been suffering feelings of increased anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks then I can teach you some simple techniques that will help you regain some control in the current climate.

If you are interested in a hypnotherapy session to help ease your anxiety, I am currently providing this service online.

If you want to work with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or you can contact me using the details below. 

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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