Friday 29 November 2019

A Little CBT Hack for Controlling Your Thoughts


Hope you are all well, after my last blog where I shared with you a simple breathing technique to overcome panic, I've had some enquiries my from my lovely clients asking for more simple solutions to feel better. Of course, if you wish to work with me, you can message me here or here on FaceBook  but in the meantime have a look at the information below.

Today I am going to share with you a technique that is used in Cognitive behavioural Therapy. Some of you may have had experience of this before, but I just wanted to put it out there, so you can take a look and decide for yourself if you have fallen foul to any of these common thinking errors.

Black and white thinking - It's either this way or that way! Your in or your out!  Umm is there anything in between? Really useful to look at this, as you really can choose to see other options when you open yourself up to other suggestions.

Overgeneralisation - Just my luck, this always happens to me, this always goes wrong! Does absolutely everything go wrong... everything really?...  When we feel emotional, we tend to veer towards the negative, this isn't your fault, our brains are hard wired towards the negative, this is a survival instinct. Good news though, once you realise this, you have the power to change how you feel.

Disqualifying the positive - Yes, but...  stop putting negatives in the way, look for something positive.

Mind Reading - I know what your thinking! You will never agree with me! Do we really know what somebody else is thinking? NO WE DO NOT! We can only guess!

Catastrophising - It's all hopeless, it never works! I bet you can think of something that did work!

Magical thinking - Everything happens for a reason! Did you hear this from your parents?

Conditional thinking - I should always try and be nice or they will not like me! (people pleasing)

Personalising - It must be my fault! Does how you act really affect how others behave...NO! they are responsible for their own behaviour.

Blaming and labelling - I behave this way because of them! It's not my fault! You are responsible for your own behaviour, nobody else! Blaming usually occurs when people are not prepared to take responsibility for themselves, leaving their fate to others.

Anything sound familiar,  just by really looking at the way we think about things and bringing it to our conscious attention, we can begin to question our thoughts and beliefs and see things in a more helpful way. Remember thoughts are just that! You don't have to act on them and beliefs are just thoughts repeated, not truths. Go on give it a try for the next week and see how your brain can really start to work for you rather than against you.

Hope this is of use to you all and will provide some food for thought! If you want to know more and would like to work with me, you can fill out the contact form at the top of this page or use the details below.



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