Sunday 29 December 2019

How to set goals for 2020 made easy!

Hi Everyone

Happy New Year and welcome to the first blog post of 2020! Where has the last year gone? If like a lot of people you are thinking about making some improvements in your health and wellbeing, goal setting is a great way to set you on the right path. So, why do we need to set goals, well, believe it or not, you would be surprised at the amount of people who tell you things like they are going to loose weight, get fit, find a new hobby, start a business etc etc only to find out a few weeks down the line, they have reverted back to their old ways.

So why does this happen and what can we do different?

The answer is simple. If you want to achieve anything in life, you need to set SMART goals. A SMART action plan will equip you with highly effective tools that you need to achieve your goals in a realistic manner. The SMART action plan incorporates 5 characteristics of a goal.  See the example below.

Specific - get really clear, what do you want to achieve. If it's to loose weight, then write down how much weight, 10 pounds, 20 pounds etc.

Measurable - How are you going to know you are on track, for example are you aiming to loose  2 pounds a month over 12 months. If so, when are you going to weigh yourself, at the end of each month or perhaps at the end of 2 months etc. If you have not achieved the weight loss, what's your back up plan? Have it ready!

Attainable - Make sure what you have set for yourself is in fact do-able. If you stumble across roadblocks, make sure you can re-evaluate your goal and reconstruct it to make it more achievable. Ask yourself, "Can I take on the commitments to reach this goal?" Be honest, if the answer is no, then is there a more achievable goal. Looking at our example above with weight loss, perhaps if 10 or 20 pounds is too much, then how about setting a goal of losing 5 pounds over 6 months.

Realistic - If your goal is based on somebody else's wish, you wont stick to it. Make sure your goal is something that you really want to achieve, as you will be more motivated to see it through. Remember you don't need to rush your goal, you just need to be realistic.

Time based - Make sure your goal has a deadline. All goals need a date in which this will be achieved. This helps create motivation. Ask yourself "What can i do now to help me with my goal" then ask "where do I need to be in 1 months time to ensure I am on track" then keep on tracking, ask yourself at the end of month 2 "Am I on track?" If yes, great! if no be honest and look at what you need to do to get back in the game!!

Doing the above is really important as this will give you a clear picture of what you want to achieve and where you want to go. SMART goal setting lets you know if you can really stick to the plan, it also stops you from wasting your time and energy on things that are not important to you.

You will be focused and will concentrate on the things important to you.

So there you have it, go ahead and plan the best 2020 ever!! Oh and don't forget hypnosis is a great way to help you visualise your goal making it even more attainable and increasing your motivation to succeed and be the best version of yourself.

If you are interested in working with me, please fill out the contact form at the top of this page.

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

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Other Blog posts
Welcome, do you have panic attacks?
How hypnosis can help you feel better!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT hack for controlling your thoughts
Did you know I give free consultations

Saturday 7 December 2019

Did you know I give free consultations!

Hello Everyone

Hope you are well, just in case you missed it, I give FREE 15 minute telephone consultations. If you want to get in touch click here and send me a message to claim yours.

Reasons to claim your FREE Consultation

1) You have a problem or unwanted feeling that you want to change.
2) You want to know if I can help you
3) You have questions you want to ask me about how it all works

It's one thing to read about all the things you can do to change your problem and it's really great that you do! It's another to actually have a conversation with me to see how I can really help you today. The consultations also help me to see if I can actually help you and if not, I will endeavour to help you find somebody who can.

During your consultation, we can discuss appointments, price and how many sessions you may need and any other questions you may have about the process.

I really look forward to hearing from you and hope we can work together soon. Please fill out the contact form at the top of this page or use the details below to find out more.

That's it for now

See you soon


Mobile 07783 565685

Find me here on Facebook
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Other Blog Posts
Welcome, Do you have panic attacks?
How Hypnosis can help you feel better!
Do you want a solution to end panic attacks?
A little CBT Hack for controlling your thoughts